Now Available: 4k Restoration of Marion Cajori's Film "Joan Mitchell: Portrait of an Abstract Painter"
This elegantly edited film from 1992 weaves together interviews with Mitchell an...
We're pleased to share with you the below workshop opportunities from Bronx Council on the Arts, supported in part by Joan Mitchell Foundation's CALL To Action Award, an initiative designed to build on the work established through the Creating A Living Legacy (CALL) organizational partnership in 2011.
From Bronx Council on the Arts:
Saving Your Creative Legacy: Creative Aging and Estate Planning Workshops - Join Us!
Are you an artist, son or daughter or caregiver of an artist? Then the following workshops are for you. Space is limited, RSVP now! Bronx Council on the Arts invites you to a 4-part series of intergenerational professional development workshops for the artistic community in areas of Creative Aging, Estate Planning, Do It Yourself (DIY) Inventory Systems and Digital Photography. Both workshops will be held at BCA's Longwood Art Gallery @ Hostos Community College, 450 Grand Concourse, Bronx NY 10451. This venue is wheelchair accessible. RSVP is required for each workshop!
Please join us for workshops 1 & 2 - ADMISSION IS FREE FOR BOTH WORKSHOPS!
Workshop I - only 30 slots available!
Thursday, April 7, 2016, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Creative Aging - Myths and Perceptions
Facilitator: Ed Friedman - Lifetime Arts
RSVP here.
Creative Aging focuses on the powerful role of the arts in enhancing the quality of life for older adults. This two hour session led by Lifetime Arts, will introduce participants to the field of "Creative" or "Artful aging". Participants will learn what the growth of this field means to teaching artists, older adults, and community based organizations that serve older adults. Using both interactive and presentational elements, topics covered will include: The Aging Revolution-Changing demographics and attitudes about Aging, Current Trends in Creative Aging, Research findings and implications, Adult Learning, Ageism, Implications for Teaching Artists, and Creative Aging in the Community.
Workshop II - only 50 slots available!
Wednesday, April 13, 2016, 5:30 - 7:00 pm
Estate Planning - Capturing & Safeguarding Your Legacy
Facilitated by Kathryn E. Wagner Esq., Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts and Joan Jeffri, Director and Founder, Research Center for Arts and Culture
RSVP here.
Facilitators will discuss and provide resources for legal services and education to senior artists and address age-specific legal and business issues. They will also discuss the need for will drafting and estate planning services and discuss the next steps to ART CART - SAVING THE LEGACY, an initiative for older artists to document their work, as well as protect that work after the artist's death.
BCA's Seeing It Through is an ongoing professional development series for creative people, organizations, and those seeking cultural grants. Please visit for scheduling of upcoming sessions: III Do It Yourself (DIY) Inventory Systems and IV Digital Photography. Workshops are made possible with the support of the Joan Mitchell Foundation CALL to Action Award, an initiative designed to build on the work established through the Creating A Living Legacy (CALL) organizational partnership in 2011.